Source code for pyfdc.utils

# Utility functions to use with(in) pyfdc

import os
import webbrowser
import sys

# Set and get important environmental variables

[docs]def set_api_key(api_key=None): """ :param api_key: Session api key as obtained from Food Data Central :return: Sets the Environmental variable "pyfdc_key" """ if "pyfdc_key" not in os.environ.keys(): os.environ["pyfdc_key"] = api_key else: print("pyfdc_key is already a valid key") pass
[docs]def key_signup(): """ :return: Opens a browser and takes a user to the api key sign up page. """ valid_choices = {'yes': True, 'no': False, 'n': False, 'y': True, 'Y': True, 'No': False, 'N': False} answer = input('Please run set_api_key first. Otherwise,do you want to sign up for an api key?! Yes or No?') try: if valid_choices[answer]: sys.stdout.write("\033[0;31m") sys.stdout.write("Now taking you to the api key sign up page...")"", new=2) else: raise ValueError("You provided no api key. Please provide one and try again") except KeyError: raise